Mixed Model Production

Embrace Variation to Create Flow

This tool was designed by McFalls Technical Solutions, Inc, and is free to use. By using this tool, you agree that your activity while using this tool will be monitored. Any user or group using this tool inappropriately will be banned. If you need any assistance or have any questions, you can email mail@mcfallstech.com for support.
Mixed Model Calculator
Enter quantity and cycle times (seconds) for models
*Distance between units
Model Qty Total Cycle Time (sec)

Mixed Model Calcuation Results

Total Units
Takt Time
Operator Cycle Times
Average Weighted Cycle Time
Unit Completed Every (sec)
Line Speed (inches/sec)
Minimum Zone Size (inches)
Minimum Line Length (ft)

Mixed Model Workshop

This calculator is a helpful tool to determine an optimum heijunka sequence plan for a continuous flow mixed model production line. If you aren't sure what all that means, send an email to mail@mcfallstech.com to schedule a 1/2 day Mixed Model Production Workshop where you'll learn how to take your Lean Manufacturing journey to a whole new level.

In this engaging & interactive simulation, you'll build your own mixed model production line so you can experience first-hand just how useful production leveling and continuous flow can be. It's a great team-building exercise for 12-16 team members.

  • McFallsTech
  • mail@mcfallstech.com | (888) 516.3616
  • v4.1